Mark Daniel Seiler lives on the island of Kauai with his lovely wife, Rebecca, in the little home that they built overlooking the Pacific Ocean. When he isn’t playing violin, or building wooden canoes, he enjoys volunteering at the Lawai International Center for Peace. Mark is a master carpenter who was fortunate to join local artist, and masters from Taiwan and Japan, to help build the Hall of Compassion in the Lawai Valley. He is currently studying Shakuhachi in the new Temple. He describes himself as a life-long learner, who got a very late start.
“If the islanders believe in anything, it's an informal spontaneity. Life is best experienced as a beautiful accident,” Seiler writes, inventing an outstanding cast. Scene after scene paints a community defending tradition amid change. With larger-than-life antics, a firm setting, and a knowing wink at its own oddity, Sighing Woman Tea is a pleasure.
Clarion Review